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Latest sightings

The common tern chicks on the mere are getting very large and nearly ready to fledge, still plenty of black headed gulls on the mere. The cattle are doing a great job on the mere eatting the cow parsley and all of the rough grasses, over the next few years the grazing will create lots of short grass and wildflower areas perfect for the pink-footed geese. We will hopefully move the cattle next week and lower the water levels on the mere after the common tern chicks have fledged this will provide lots of mud for the passage waders.

At harrier hide and the reedbed walk the great crested grebe chicks are now huge, there are lots of reed buntings and reed warblers singing. Still no sign of the bearded tits but due to lockdown the reedbed walk has been underwatched so we hope the colony has grown.

We have opened the United utilities hide and reopened the upstairs of Ron Barker hide following government guidance

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