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Latest sightings

We had great weather over the weekend, the butterflies were all out across the reserve, lots of small tortoiseshells, peacocks, meadow brown, brimstone and gatekeepers.

Hobby showing well on woodend marsh, best views from the Gordon Taylor hide

Today we flushed a bittern from the back of the reserve, hopefully it will show well from the hides this week.

There are lots of frogs and toads in the ditches.

On the mere the common terns are feeding chicks and flying around constantly calling, little grebe diving infront of the raines hide

Bearded tits have been heard pinging in the reedbed but no sightings yet, unfortunately we don't know the breeding success this year but hopefully we'll get some good views soon.

We have started the yearly watervole surveys and lots of signs across the reserve, luckily no signs of mink yet.

Raven flying over the grounds calling often seen in North America, Mere tun village or by the Greater Flamingos lovely gutteral calls.

Photo - tubular water dropwort in one of our ditches, this white flower is one of our SSSI designation species and has increased lots across the reserve over the last 2 years!

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