Latest sightings

Today was WeBS - Wetland Bird Survey, which is a coordinated BTO survey we do every month along with wetland sites all over the country, its gret to great to get a snapshot of how many wetland birds are using the site (unfortunately the black-tailed godwits flock didnt visit us today).

Stockphoto snipe

Species Total
Wigeon 2
Gadwall 41
Teal 181
Mallard 343
Pintail 6
Shoveler 56
Pochard 4
Tufted Duck 2
Shelduck 14
Greylag Goose 164
Canada Goose 428
Moorhen 46
Coot 61
Lapwing 867
Ruff 11
Snipe 26
Little grebe 7
Cormorant 5
Grey Heron 7
Little Egret 6
Black-headed gull 102
Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 2
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