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Latest sightings

The weather has been great for migration and all day pink-footed geese are streaming into the reserve. They are loving Plover field which can be seen from the United Utilities hide. This morning we counted 1706 pink-footed geese that roosted on the reserve but during the day we had over 5000 on plover field.

There is lots of mud on the mere and ron barker so lots of waders including lapwing, black-tailed godwits and snipe.

We have had a delivery of potatoes which the pink-footed geese havent found yet but the wigeon have so you can see them from Raines hide, there are some lovely adult males.

There are lots of birds of prey on site, the barn owls are showing well from nearly every hide, marsh harriers, buzzards, sparrowhawks, and kestrel. Also ravens are seen most days making that amazing gutteral call. stockphoto kestrel.

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