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Latest sightings

We have done lots of managemnet works infront of the Ron Barker hide getting the site ready for the winter, we have cut the hedge next to the hide so visitors can see the barn owl hunting, we have strimmed the islands and the bank edges for the geese ducks and godwits to loaf on.

The bird feeders have been very busy, at kingfisher hide the noise of the tree sparrows is almost deafening as they are all jostling for position for the food (they love the red and white millet). Janet kear hide feeders are always busy with goldfinches, chaffinches, blue tits, great tits, dunnocks, robins, greenfinches, look out for bullfinch, willow tits and great-spotted woodpeckers. stock photo pheasant

We have moved some of our longhorn cattle onto woodend marsh so you can see them from gordon taylor hide and United utilities, there are 17 cows (14 of last years calves, 2 adults and 1 calf from this year) they are doing a grweat job grazing the grasses really short for the geese ducks and waders, over the next couple of weeks we will also cut the grass with the tractor and flail to get a nice short sward and try and knock back the rushes.

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