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Latest sightings

The pink-footed goose numbers are increasing everyday, they aren't just spending the night with us they are here all day and visitors are getting great views. We went out at dawn this morning and counted 18,000 pink-footed geese spreadout across the site there are still 15000 on site at lunchtime, mainly on the mere and plover field enjoying the short grass. We have now opened Hale hide so you can see some of the pink-footed geese on the potatoes.

Scan through the pink-footed goose flocks and look out for any with colour rings, please report your sightings to the colour rings are mainly neck collars, they are grey with black writing you can also see some with a white neck collar with a large black square on, these are GPS tags so we can track the movements of the geese. More information about these studies are here

Look out for other species of geese amongst the masses, you'll find Greylag geese, Canada Geese and 3 Barnacle geese, so far no one has found Greenland white-fronted geese but keep an eye out. The Tundra bean goose (unfortunately injured) from last winter has been spotted at Marshside, if it can fly it may come back to Martin Mere this winter.

Stockphoto of pink-footed geese.

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