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Latest sightings

We had some high rainfall this week which meant the waterfowl collection was closed but the reserve has been unaffected. Large numbers of wildfowl have continued to arrive this week, on the Mere there are some lovely Pintail, Wigeon and Pochard showing well from the discovery hide and the raines hide. Stockphoto Male pintail

More swans have arrived and we now have over 50 whooper swans on the Mere, we have started feeding them in the morning and afternoon but we havent started the swan feed talks yet.

The Late night goose evenings have been going well, with between 10-30,000 geese coming in each evening to roost at Martin Mere its an amazing spectacle!!

Look out for Grey wagtails by the duckery (on the way to the Ron Barker hide), the kingfishers are showing well by Harrier hide and in front of Ron Barker. The Barn owls are often seen out hunting we have at least 6 on site at the moment. There are at least 7 Marsh Harriers using the site at the moment look out for them on the late night goose evenings coming into roost outside the Harrier hide.

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