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Latest sightings

We have closed our hides during the lockdown but kept open the nature trail, reedbed walk, playground and the kiosk (for takeaway tea, coffee, cake and sausage rolls).

The reedbed walk is beautiful at the moment with the rustling in the reeds interrupted with the loud explosive call of the Cetti's warbler (we have at least 9 singing males). Next to the Harrier hide the first stretch of the reedbed walk is the best part to hear water rail (sounds like a screaching pig). Bearded tits are being very elusive but keep your eyes and ears peeled as they are around (at least 8). Also on the reedbed walk - Gadwall, Mallard, Tufted duck, Pochard, Little Grebe, Reed Bunting and Blackcap. Stock photo bearded tit

There are still Chiffchaffs near the sewage works so listen for them calling.

Latest dawn count 17000 pink-footed geese and 500 whopper swans.

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