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Latest sightings

A beautiful frosty day on the reserve, its cold but stunning skies. The Mere is full of wildfowl and waders. Highlights today include 5 Marsh harriers, 3 Buzzzards, Raven, Merlin, Peregrine, Curlew, Oystercatchers, 49 Ruff, Lapwing, 3 Stonechats, 9 Cetti's warblers calling in the reedbed, Water rail squeeling in the reedbed and the bushes by the Kingfisher hide are bursting with tree sparrows.

The ducks on the mere are looking fantastic at the moment they are in their full refinery. The male pintail look stonking with that stuning grey suit, Gadwall in the reedbed, Teal on woodend marsh, Wigeon infornt of the viewing hides. The shelduck males have a large red swelling on their bills which gets larger the closer to the breeding season.

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