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Latest Sightings

A tawny owl was seen over the weekend, roosting in a tree along the walk to Ron Barker hide. Barn owls and marsh harrier seen daily. Our reserve team have been up early conducting the yearly Breeding Birds Survey highlights include:

Female common scoter seen on Sunday 18th on the pool in front of the Harrier Hide photo credit to Paul Hill Photography

A tawny owl was seen over the weekend, roosting in a tree along the walk to Ron Barker hide. Barn owls and marsh harrier seen daily. Our reserve team have been up early conducting the yearly Breeding Birds Survey, highlights include: wheatear, grasshopper warbler, cetti's warbler, willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap, skylark, stonechat, reed bunting.

Two yellow wagtails were seen in the fields near our grazing longhorn cattle on Tuesday.

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