Latest sightings and predictions..

Overcast with some light rain showers and light winds on Sunday making for good viewing condition.

It's been noticeable that the numbers of Pink-footed Geese have been dropping back over the week with less than 400 in the roost today. The birds are moving on to Norfolk without being replaced by new arrivals from Iceland/Greenland. This is a result of the deep low pressure which has been sitting off Iceland for nearly 10 days battering the country with strong winds and rain. The start of this week looks more interesting with a North-Westerly airflow coming off Iceland Monday onwards.

Monday's weather chart looks good for Pink-footed Geese arrivals for the first few days of the week. (BBC Weather)

Wildfowl numbers are slowly increasing with around 1500 Teal on the reserve, 150+ Wigeon as well as small groups of Pintail, Shoveler and Gadwall.

Ruff numbers have risen to 90+. Still 150+ Snipe and 800+ Lapwing today.

Lapwing showing well on the edge of the Mere

Todays raptors included 10+ Buzzard, 4+ Marsh Harrier, 3 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Other sightings included Kingfisher, Barn Owl early on, Grey Wagtail, Cetti's Warblers calling on the Reed Bed Walk and from the Ron Barker Hide.

A Water Vole was seen in Langley's Brook opposite the Ron Barker Hide.

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