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Latest Sightings - Purple Heron!

A big part of the excitement of autumn migration is that you just never know what is going to turn up! Yesterday evening we had a great surprise at dusk when a juvenile purple heron flew over the reedbed to the left of the mere! It circled over the mere and then headed off to in the direction of Ron Barker. What’s even better is that it was still around today! The heron was seen commuting between various ditches and farmers’ fields to the right hand side of Ron Barker and seen by a number of happy birders! Although they have bred on occasion in the UK, they are normally found in continental Europe and are a rare visitor to the UK!

Sticking with the theme the purple heron was one of 4 species of herons & egrets seen on the reserve today. Grey herons can be seen almost anywhere on the reserve, a little egret was seen from kingfisher hide earlier today and our 4 cattle egrets are giving great views on the backs of the cattle who are grazing around the edge of the mere.

Aside from the excitement of the purple heron there is still plenty of other bird life on the reserve. Wader movements are still ongoing with ruff numbers sill remaining at their usual numbers. Black-tailed godwit numbers are somewhat more sporadic at the moment, with just a handful of birds the majority of the time but now and then a flock size of 15-20 birds passes through the reserve. Other waders on the reserve today included 2 green sandpipers from United Utilites hide and snipe numbers are building with good numbers seen at close range from Gordon Taylor hide.

Pink-footed geese are still pilling into the reserve and can be seen flying in at any time. On the ground they can be best seen on the mere, from Ron Barker and from United Utilities hide. As the autumn progresses we are seeing growing numbers of wigeon and pintail, with a minimum of six seen from Reins hide.

Marsh harriers, buzzards and kestrels are a frequent sight on the reserve but the star raptor today was a lovely adult hobby who snatched a dragonfly out of the air as it flew over the pools at Ron Barker.

And exciting couple of days with the arrival of the purple heron, who knows what will turn up here next!

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