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Little egret numbers increase

Romney Turner captured these snipe out in the open.

Mon 12 Nov

Arun Riverlife lagoon: kingfisher, 3 little egret, 11 cormorant.

Reedbed hide: reed bunting

Woodland loop: Mistle thrush.

Scrape hide: gadwall, green woodpecker.

Sussex screen hide: chiffchaff

Sand Martin Hide: gadwall, shovelers, little grebe.

Wildlife Garden: chiffchaff

Ramsar hide: snipe, little egret.


Tues 13 Nov

Entry boardwalk: firecrest.

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 5 tufted ducks, 26 snipe, little egret 3, 6 cormorant, water rail, green woodpecker, Cetti’s warbler.

Ramsar/Sand Martin hide: 8 snipe, 15 shoveler, 9 shelduck, 1 cattle egret

Wet grassland: snipe

Scrape hide: water rail, kingfisher


Wed 14 Nov

Scrape hide: kingfisher, little grebe

Sandmartin hide: 3 shelduck, 10 shovelers

Ramsar hide: snipe, little egrets

Lapwing hide: kingfisher

Wetlands Discovery: tufted ducks

Offham hangar: kestrel


Thurs 15 Nov

Arun Riverlife: pied wagtails.

Ramsar hide: kingfisher, little egrets, lapwing

Sand martin hide: shvelers, shelducks, little egrets, cormorant, gadwalls, kingfisher.

Lapwing hide: grey heron

Long path hedgerow: bullfinches

Scrape hide: little grebe


Fri 16 Nov

Arun Riverlife lagoon: little egrets, little grebe, tifted ducks

Wetlands Discovery: green woodpecker

Ramsar hide: teal, water rails, grey herons

Sand martin hide: little egrets, shoveler ducks, shelduck


Sat 17 Nov

Arun Riverlife: little egret, tufted ducks, water rail

Ramsar hide: shovelers, little egrets, shelducks, chiffchaff, teal

Lapwing hide: grey heron, bullfinch, snipe


Sun 18 Nov

Reedbed Marsh harrier roost count: 6 marsh harriers

Ramsar/ Sand Martin hides: 1 goosander, 4 little egrets, 6 shelducks, 4 shoveler, 8 teal, 1 red crested pochard

Scrape hide: kingfisher

Woodland Loop: nuthatch, great spotted woodpecker

Ramsar hide: red crested pochard


Tues 20 Nov

World wetlands: 3 pochard

Reedbed: water rails

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 18 tufted ducks, 11 little egrets.

Ramsar/Sand Martin hides: 14 shoveler, 16 shelduck, 11 gadwall, 1 tufted duck, 6 teal.

Scrape hide: 1 kingfisher, 2 mandarin





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