Little Gull still here

The second-calendar year Little Gull was on the South Lake this morning, with the busy noisy Black-headed Gull colony really coming to life again

The second-calendar year Little Gull was on the South Lake this morning, with the busy noisy Black-headed Gull colony really coming to life again. There was no sign of the candidate Caspian Gull this morning, but the larger gulls are usually present later in the day so keep your eyes peeled!

The two Glossy Ibis were together in the roadside fields near the canal this morning just before 8am. If viewing these birds, please use the nearby car park and walk to the gate to view, do not block farm access through gateways.

South Lake
The Little Gull was hawking over the deep lake this morning, whilst on the islands and main causeway in front of the hide were at least 303 Black-headed Gull, including at least 155 adults. A Common Gull and a Herring Gull were the only other species present, with no sign yet today of yesterday's four Mediterranean Gulls. The deep lake also held a pair of Great Crested Grebe, and a Common Sandpiper was on the rocks in front of the hide. The wader scrape held five Black-tailed Godwit and 58 Avocet. A singing Stock Dove could be heard from the mature oaks.

Decoy Hide
A total of 19 Shelduck and 11 Tufted Duck were on the pond this morning.

Knott Hide
The song of Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler can be heard here well, with the birds in the reedbed. Two Little Egret were on the Pillbox Pool.

Estuary Tower
A total of 22 Avocet were on the islands of the scrape along with a pair of Teal and a pair of Oystercatcher. Several displaying Lapwing were tumbling around over the Dumbles, despite the cold northerly wind, and a few Skylark were singing. A Peregrine was sat on the riverbank of the Lower Dumbles, the land south of the southern cross fence, as were a pair of Oystercatcher.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Ten Avocet were on the Tack Piece along with three Gadwall, an Oystercatcher, a displaying male Lapwing with female watching on, a flock of 18 Black-tailed Godwit, 26 Shoveler, 21 Teal and the drake Pintail.

Martin Smith Hide
Six Little Egret were on the pool.

Rushy Hide
The pair of Little Ringed Plover were at the nest, as was one of the Crane pair at their own nest. A Green Sandpiper was at the back of the lower pond, and also noted were four Shoveler, 16 Tufted Duck, 18 Avocet, three Gadwall, five Teal and an Oystercatcher.

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