Little Ringed Plovers

Ruff and Common Redshank with a Black-headed Gull at Slimbridge by James Leese (Archive Picture)
Ruff and Common Redshank with a Black-headed Gull at Slimbridge by James Leese (Archive Picture)


Little Ringed Plovers 7 reported yesterday at least 5 still there today.
Green Sandpiper 1
Avocet 3

Martin Smith

Great views of 2 Little Egrets and a young Grey Heron.

South Lake

Redshank 42 all adults
Black Tailed Godwit 101
Avocet 3 incubating but no sign of any young.
Gadwall 41

Zeiss Hide

Black Tailed Godwit 1
Redshank 2
Teal 27
Gadwall 12
Little Grebe 2

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