Little Stint and 13 other species of waders

A great start to the day with the arrival (overnight?) of a Little Stint out on Vinson's Marsh before flying to the back of Sunley's. Plenty of vegetation for such a small bird to hide amongst.

Little Stint this morning with Lapwing

The Little Stint wasn't the only new arrival with 2 Golden Plover with some of the 500+ Lapwing, a Greenshank and at least one juvenile Ruff being new in. Wader counts also included 800+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Ruff, 2 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 8 Snipe, 12 Dunlin, Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatcher and Ringed Plover.

Common Snipe are starting to arrive. We can get good numbers building up during August and September.

An adult and juvenile Peregrine caused a great deal of commotion among the waders as they spared over Vinson's Marsh early afternoon. Also 3+ Kestrel, 3+ Buzzard and Sparrowhawk.

Other reports today included Kingfisher from the Harrier Hide. Two adult Great Black-backed Gull dropped onto the Mere later morning. Sixteen Grey Heron were on Sunley's Marsh this morning.

Sad to report the passing of Harry Sharrock one of Lancashire's oldest active birders. Harry had been birding Martin Mere since the 1950's way before the reserve was even thought about and shared many a story about the birth of birding from those early days.


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