Little Stint & Little Gull

A nice breeding plumage Little Stint was found from Ron Barker Hide this morning, the 2nd record of this tiny wader this spring. Other waders on site today included 17 Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Oystercatcher and plenty of Avocet with young.

The Little Gull from Ron Barker Hide this afternoon (T. Disley)

The 1st sum/2nd cal year Little Gull is still present and best looked for from Ron Barker Hide. A 1st sum/2nd cal year Great Black-backed Gull was on the Mere again along with Lesser Black-backed Gull and lots of Black-headed Gull with plenty of young to see.

A Cuckoo was seen again by Harrier Hide this afternoon.  A female Pintail remains on the Mere, at least 2 broods of Pochard chicks from Harrier Hide and Ron Barker, also 3 Whooper Swan from Ron Barker Hide.


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