The story from London so far...

So far we’ve seen a variety of wildfowl, including up to 150 teal when the Thames tide is in. We’re expecting shoveler and gadwall shortly.

We’ve got around 12 snipe, plus one jack snipe. Three ruff dropped in earlier, and we’ve seen a dunlin, green sandpiper, common sandpiper, black-tailed godwit and curlew.

We’ve seen one osprey, one honey buzzard and a trickle of common buzzards.

There have also been regular sightings of yellow wagtail (up to four in one day), wheatear, whinchat and stonechat. We’ve seen over 100 meadow pipit, and three spotted flycatchers in one day. The first skylarks are starting to come through, and we’ve had good swallow counts and martins are still being seen, although the swifts have moved on.

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