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Lots of Shovelers

South Lake

An impressive 184 Shoveler here this morning and a good selection of waders with Black Tailed Godwit 52, Ruff 17, Dunlin 45 the single oystercatcher and a handfull of Snipe. Most impressive though was around 700 very noisy and flighty Lapwings.


Busy here with 93 Bewick's overnight the usual Pintail, Pochard and Tufted Duck, around 90 Teal and a great little flock of 18 Snipe along the left hand side. The Lapwing flock was spectacular when a Peregrine was hunting in the Tack Piece lots of low level flybys and hundreds seeking refuge around the ponds.

Holden Tower

A single snipe showing well at the Martin Smith Hide a water Rail and excellent close up views of Teal and Wigeon. The Robbie Garnet had Pintail very close, another 13 Shoveler to add to the total, Pochard several hundred Teal and Wigeon. A flock of 21 Redshank were close and a single Ruff. A group of 32 Curlew were among an estimated 2200 lapwing and Golden Plover were pouring in from 09.30 (at least 500 and counting). The Two Peregrine that had caused all the excitment were on the cross fence, the Brent Goose was among Canada's and Barnacle's best of all the 105 Whitefronted Geese were close to the Holden Tower. Long Ground pool to the south was packed with 380 Tufted Duck and 52 Pochard.

Zeiss Hide

Four lovely Roe Deer, thousands of Wigeon and Lapwings, other waders were Ruff 4, Black tailed Godwit 17, G0lden Plover 14 but only 1 Snipe. Cettis singing a very active hunting Peregrine and a Raven flew over.

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