Main observatory management works planned

On Wednesday 14th September there will be disturbance in front of the main observatory  due to management works to the pools and the wildlife cameras.  This shouldn’t disturb the wildlife at any of our other hides.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but hope that you will enjoy a visit around the rest of the reserve

The management works we will be carrying out in front of the main observatory include cutting back the vegetation, creating muddy areas and fixing the wildlife cameras which are attached to the outside of the hide. The water levels have been lowered on the pool in front of the main observatory.  This is to allow the reserve team access to create the prefect conditions for birds passing through in autumn, as well as birds returning for winter.

The disturbance will hopefully not affect the other hides, providing alternative areas for any birds currently with us to use.  Good numbers of snipe as well as  green sandpipers, common sandpiper, ringed plover, little ringed plover and ruff are regularly using these areas.


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