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Making a splash! Pupils at Enfield's Prince of Wales Primary plant water garden

Year two schoolchildren helped create their very own living water feature by filling a small pool with wetland plants.

They also got their hands muddy by making finishing touches to a nearby Mediterranean gravel garden, digging holes and filling them with lavender and other lush shrubs.

The mini wetland will be fed by local rainwater, which will pass on to the gravel garden and nourish the plants there.

WWT Project Manager Andy Graham said:

We have been working with communities and schools in Enfield to create wetland oases of all sizes in the area.

As the bigger wetland development in the nearby Prince of Wales Park nears to a close, we want to teach our youngsters about the importance of wetlands so they’ll care for them long into the future.

The arrangement is part of a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) which mimics the natural processes by catching and slowing the flow of rain water to streams and rivers, and filtering it to remove pollution and prevent flooding along the way. Examples of SuDS include interconnected ponds, reedbeds and living green walls and roofs.

The scheme, backed by WWT and Enfield Borough Council, also involves the creation of wetlands at the nearby Prince of Wales Park.

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