Marsh Harriers

As is usual for this time of year the reserve currently has up to 5 different Marsh Harriers including a sub adult male which has been giving great views at times. Also briefly yesterday was a ringtail Hen Harrier seen from Ron Barker Hide, presumably the same bird from a few days ago. A Merlin was seen from UU Hide late afternoon yesterday while this morning a small male Peregrine has been seen.

Sub adult male Marsh Harrier (T. Disley)

Still at least 60 Pink-footed Geese in the area, also the resident 4 Whooper Swan which stayed with us through the summer, the first returning birds from Iceland should be returning later this month.

Increasing numbers of wildfowl include 550 Teal, 6 Wigeon, 60+ Gadwall and 60+ Shoveler.

On the wader front we have around 30 Ruff, 1 Dunlin, 1 Black-tailed Godwit and 70+ Snipe. Yesterday there was a group of 4 Ringed Plover.

The 3 Yellow Wagtail are still being seen around the reserve but mainly from Ron Barker Hide, also a Wheatear was seen from UU Hide late afternoon yesterday. A Chiffchaff was seen near Janet Kear Hide this afternoon. A single Raven flew low over Plover Field yesterday.

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