Martin Mere - Inspiring generations
I hope that you will all fine this project inspirational.
Captain Scott is remembered for his incredible bravery, fortitude and self-belief, and his Antarctic expeditions and research findings inspired people across the world.
But possibly Scott’s most influential deed took place inside a tent, in minus seventy degrees. On March 29th 1912, Scott wrote his last words from Antarctica. In a simple letter to his wife in his dying moments, he wrote “I am anxious for you and the boy’s future – make the boy interested in natural history if you can, it is better than games, they encourage at some schools – I know you will keep him out in the open air…”
The ‘boy’ he refers to was 2 years old at the time, but went on to become Sir Peter Scott. Those simple words inspired Peter to found WWT, set up ground-breaking conservation projects, and launch natural history broadcasting, and bring his vision of WWT Martin Mere to reality - a wetland wildlife centre that would inspire people in the North West with a passion for nature. Through this work, he has inspired millions of people, including Sir David Attenborough with a passion for the natural world.
Today (Thursday the 29th) WWT Martin Mere wants history to repeat itself, again.
So, with the help of the Scott grandchildren – Falcon, Dafila and Nicola – WWT are launching the Inspiring Generations initiative.
The inspiring generations initiative consists of 2 things:
1) The Scott 100 Letters Campaign - we want to ensure we can continue the Scott legacy into the next 100 years.
2) The Inspiring Generations Appeal- creating opportunities for all children to get outdoors, particularly those disadvantaged children least likely to get the chance.
100 Letters Campaign
- We’re inviting the public throughout the North West to suggest someone they would like to write a letter to, with a request to do something specific that will help inspire future generations with an interest in wildlife, wetlands, and to explore the natural world. These letters can be to anyone, a mother, father, grandchild, politician, someone famous perhaps?
- It’s a competition, and a panel of esteemed judges will choose 100 of the most inspired letters in the Autumn, when modern day journeys to Antarctica begin for the year.
- Then we’ll send the real letters to the chosen recipients - posted from Antarctica, bearing the signature of the Scott grandchildren.
- The letter voted the most inspirational by our j