May Day sightings

A clear, dry and bright day meant that the majority of the martins and swallows from yesterday had moved on or were feeding high up. Lots of gull movements about the site and estuary but in no particular direction, just young birds wandering. The warmer day was appreciated by the insects, plenty of Orange Tip butterflies on the wing and our first Hairy Dragonfly of the season flew past the Peng Observatory, it appeared to be on a maiden flight after recently emerging. The first Cuckoo was singing yesterday and it or another was singing in the Duck Decoy this morning.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

The Oystercatcher pair are nesting on the studio islands, best viewed from the Peng Observatory. Two Black-tailed Godwits remain, one of which has favoured the lawn and shore to the right between the hides. Two second calendar year Mediterranean Gulls continue to visit, the third calendar year flew over. A few pairs of Teal and Tufted Duck were feeding.

Tack Piece

A noticeable reduction in ducks numbers with pairs or single male groups left, the drake Garganey was here again this morning plus 12 Shoveler, three Wigeon, a few pairs of Teal and Tufted Duck and half a dozen drake Gadwall. Two Little Egret fed in the fleets. Early morning saw a Great Egret and Kingfisher on the pool outside the Martin Smith hide. Pied Wagtails and Skylarks were feeding. A few Swifts have been over feeding with the Sand and House Martins.

Estuary Tower

Two Whimbrel flew off when flushed by Sparrowhawk early morning. A single Wheatear and a pair of Meadow Pipits on the middle point fence, two Curlew fed on the Dumbles but moved to the estuary. Male Lapwing are much in evidence and a pair or two of Redshank have been favouring the saltmarsh pools. A Marsh Harrier was on the Dumbles early in the day.

South Lake

The Crane pair continue to incubate on the nest, 35+ Avocets are on nests but other than Oystecatchers the scrape has been quieter for waders. The Black-headed Gull colony is still very busy plus a few Shoveler, Teal and Tufted Duck remain.

Top New Piece

Two Lapwing, 40 Avocet, Crane, 85 Black-tailed Godwit, singing Sedge and Reed Warblers, a few Teal and drake Shoveler.

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