Mediterranean influx

After a quiet few days, an influx of Mediterranean Gulls this afternoon has certainly brightened up the Mere. At least 7 birds arrived, all adults, with 3 pairs seeming settled and displaying. A pair seen on Vinson's Marsh could be different birds from those on the Mere, but a single bird, distinctive as it had a few white feathers in the black hood, certainly was.

2 Bitterns are currently "booming" in the reedbed, particularly in the morning, in front of the Harrier hide, where a pair of Great Crested Grebes are showing well.

Several Redshanks have now arrived (very unusual here during the Winter months, but a common Summer visitor) adding another wader to the good numbers of Avocet and Black-tailed Godwits, although Ruff numbers appear to have dropped with about 50 or so around the Mere today.

Whooper Swans have also started to leave, with only 27 birds on the Mere this morning.

Up to 1,000 Pink-footed Geese are still present.

2 or more Barn Owls are regularly being seen during the day, and up to 6 Little Egrets are scattered around the reserve.

A Kingfisher was seen from the Ron Barker hide yesterday.

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