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Migrant stopping off while moving southward

Sand martins continue stopping by on their migration south. Pic: Geoff Warminger

Surprise find was a Nightjar which had chosen the reedbed to roost during the day (on a dead willow branch) whilst on its southerly migration to southern Africa.

Others making that journey are a steady stream of house and sand martins, swallows through the reserve.

Two other highlights last week were a wood sandpiper from Ramsar hide on Saturday (WWT Guide David Harper) and a whinchat on the Black Rabbit triangle also David Harper (migrants).

Two Marsh tits, one at Black Rabbit  triangle and another near woodloop/millstream (David Harper) a wing-tagged juvenile marsh harrier and a great egret near the River Arun.

Erratic weather keeping insect activity fairly quiet, apart from a painted lady spotted on the wet grassland last week.

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