
Despite the cool temperatures a few new birds for the spring were seen on Saturday in the form of Sand Martin, Swallow and Blackcap. As well the Bittern was still booming and one was seen in flight from Harrier Hide on Saturday morning,  also a male Yellowhammer was singing at the far end of the Community Reed bed Walk.

Good numbers of waders around the site included 50 Oystercatcher, 75 Avocet, 130 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ringed Plover, 4+ Snipe, several Redshank, 10+ Ruff and a Green Sandpiper around the edge of the Mere.

The female Brambling is still being seen, this time from Janet Kear Hide. A Nuthatch was in trees by the In Focus shop on Saturday in the afternoon.

On Sunday a Barn Owl was showing well in the morning from Ron Barker Hide, also still plenty of Mediterranean Gulls to see with at least 6 birds still around on the Mere and from Ron Barker.

Still 51 Whooper Swan on the Mere along with small numbers of Shoveler, Pintail, Teal, Wigeon, Tufted Duck and Pochard.

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