Minus 6

Some proper winter weather in the past few days even if the snow avoided the area. Temperatures reached -6ºC so there has been plenty of ice and frost around.

The biggest count of Whooper Swan this winter with 1670 birds this morning.

Whoopers on ice.

The Mere is the best spot to catch up with the majority of wildfowl including Goldeneye, although Gadwall and the drake Green-winged Teal are best from the Harrier Hide and the Ron Barker Hide respectively.

Pintail on ice

The cold weather has depleted the wader numbers with smaller numbers of Lapwing, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe all present still. The numbers will increase again as the temperature returns to above freezing.

Raptors include 4 Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Stonechat can be seen out on the reserve post lines and from the outer Reed Bed Walk. Worth noting the inner Reed Bed Walk is closed for the time being to avoid disturbing roosting birds in front of the Harrier Hide.

Stonechat on the outer Reed Bed Walk. (Andy Bunting)

Other reports include 2 Water Rail (Ron Barker Hide and near the Harrier Hide), Kingfisher, Treecreeper and 3 Bullfinch. Stoat from the Ron Barker Hide. Still some entertainment to be had as < 10,000 Starling come into roost.

Starlings coming in at dusk

Just off the reserve on Curlew Lane, Grey Partridge and Corn Bunting.

Currently it should be possible to see over 70 species in a full days birding in the area.

Call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide to find out more sightings around the reserve and to report any thing you may have seen. The sighting page relies on your information.

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