More Pinkfeet

More Pink-footed Geese arriving was the main highlight today and a small selection of Waders along with Willow Tit

Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese were evident on and off throughout the day, difficult to know exactly how many were involved but at least 450 were counted in the morning.

A non breeding plumaged Knot was on the Mere in the morning, also 2 Redshank (ad & juv), 10+ Ruff, 45 Black-tailed Godwit and small numbers of Snipe and plenty of Lapwing. In the afternoon a Golden Plover was seen and a Greenshank heard. A juv Little Ringed Plover was on Woodend Marsh.

A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was on the Mere late afternoon with Black-headed, Lesser Black Backed and Herring Gulls.

The Willow Tit continues to visit the feeding station at Janet Kear. At least 6 Yellow Wagtails were feeding among the Longhorn Cattle. A pair of Raven were making the most of a dead Canada Goose out on Woodend Marsh.

A juvenile Peregrine was keeping the Lapwing flock on their toes, also 4 Marsh Harrier were giving good views throughout the day. Other raptors were Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

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