Mostly meadow browns on butterfly survey

The butterfly survey on Thurs 8 July recorded seven species of butterfly onsite. The 90 minute survey recorded 27 butterflies including 15 meadow browns. Surveyor John also counted four red admirals, four ringlets and one each of large white, small copper, peacock, and comma. John also spotted a barn owl three times in the Wetland Discovery area between 10-11 am.

The wild pair of oystercatchers still remain in the Lakes & Forest exhibit after moving there after nesting on Coastal Creek Island. Their fully grown chick is still with them, still begging food from its parents . At the Sand Martin hide another pair of oystercatchers are regulars on the island to the right hand side of the hide. There are no chicks visible there so we don’t know if they have survived

At the Sand Martin hidessand martins can be seen going in and out of the nesting chambers, especially on the left hand bank near the speaker box.

Wildlife sightings from around the reserve. This is not a complete survey list but notes from wardens around site.

Mon 12 July

Lapwing hide: 1 reed warbler singing, 1 sedge warbler singing

Sand martin hide: 20 sand martin

Scrape hide: 2 teal

Sat 10 July

Arun Riverlife: 8 Canada geese, 2 black-headed gulls, 28 mallards, 2 tufted ducks

Lapwing hide: 2 reed warblers, 1 sedge warblers, 4 goldfinch

Ramsar hide: 1 coot, 1 reed warbler, 3 mallards, 1 black-headed gull, and 1 Cetti’s warbler

Sand Martin hide: 5 mallards, 5 greylag geese, 16 sand martins, 1 coot, 30 black-headed gulls, and 5 tufted ducks

Scrape hide: 2 little grebe, 5 tufted ducks, 3 mallards, 5 black-headed gulls, 3 moorhens

Fri 9 July

Wood loop: 1 adult moorhen with 2 chicks and 5 juveniles, 10 blue tits, 2 goldfinches, 6 great tits, 2 chaffinch, 1 chiffchaff, 3 dunnocks, 17 mallards including 4 ducklings.

Ramsar hide: 1 grey heron

Offham hangar: 1 buzzard

Thurs 8 July

Reedbed boardwalk: 1 adult and three juvenile sedge warblers, 2 chiffchaff, 1 adult peregrine.

Reedbed hide: 2 black-headed gull chicks (1/2 size)

Ramsar hide: 1 cattle egret

Wetland Discovery area: 1 barn owl (3times)

Wildlife garden: 1 greenfinch

Wed 7 July

Sand martin hide: 2 oystercatchers on right hand island in front on the hide.

Scrape hide: 6 gadwall, 10 mallards, 1 male and 2 female tufted ducks, 13 black-headed gulls including 1 full feathered juvenile, 2 teal, and 3 shoveler

Tue 6 July

Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 3 coots, 9 mallards, 1 female shoveler, 3 males and 1 female tufted ducks, 46 black-headed gulls in 8 juveniles, 2 oystercatchers, 3 gadwall, 6 sand martins, and 1 juvenile sedge warble in vegetation in front of the sand martin hide.

The old Tundra Pen: 1 Egyptian goose

Lakes & Forest exhibit: 3 oystercatchers – pair with fully grown chick.

Mon 5 July

Wet grasslands: 1 Cetti’s warbler, 1 moorhen

Sand martin hide: 5 sand martins

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