MP takes a dip with students

Nick Herbert, MP for Arundel & South Downs, experiences learning outside the classroom with a pond dipping session at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre

A year five class from Brighton helped MP Nick Herbert experience learning outside the classroom on Friday 8 July at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre. Nick Herbert, the MP for Arundel & South Downs, grabbed a net and helped pupils fill their trays with pond creatures, "What a wonderful thing, to get the children out here to the wetland centre and to see them so engrossed."

Since the learning program at WWT Arundel began in 1988, nearly 140,000 pupils have visited the centre. "I just couldn’t be more full of admiration and praise for what’s being done here." Nick Herbert said describing WWT Arundel’s education programme. It was the first visit to Arundel Wetland Centre for the pupils from St. Joseph’s School in Brighton. Teacher Vicki McNeilly said "We will definitely be back next year."

Across the UK, over 2 million pupils have visited WWT centres to take part in learning outside the classroom experiences which enable up-close and personal engagement with nature. "We do a tremendous job in this and it’s something we are going to do well into the future because its never been so important." said Martin Spray, Chief Executive of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. “I don’t want children to experience the natural environment in the future only on computer screens. They need to get out and see it - and that’s what we do here."

WWT has joined the Field Studies Council and RSPB to host learning outside the classroom experiences with Westminster MPs to help build relationships and support for the learning outside the classroom agenda. Over 30 MPs have now taken part in these events with local school groups on WWT, FSC and RSPB sites and reserves.

If you would like to book an educational visit to Arundel Wetland Centre, please contact Claire Drew, Learning Manager at 01903 881524 or

MP Nick Herbert with students from St. Joseph's School in Brighton

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