New Spoonbill

The second Spoonbill of the year arrived in the area yesterday (one reported in flight just to the North at Splatt Bridge), it may have spent yesterday feeding on the Severn. This bird appears to be in adult or near adult plumage, it was roosting on the Top New Piece flood but relocated to the Tack Piece channel later in the morning. With such mild weather it may be attempting to head back toward breeding areas using us as a stepping stone site.

Rushy Hide/ Peng Observatory

The first winter drake Greater Scaup still present and 105 Bewick's Swans on site, majority of them here early morning.

Tack Piece

Great variety of birds feeding or roosting here, Russian White-fronted Geese, Bewick's Swans, Tufted Ducks, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Dunlin, 35 Snipe, 19 Ruff and 5 Redshank + singing Skylarks and a flock of Linnets. A flock of c35 Black-tailed Godwits arrived mid morning.

Estuary Tower

Ross's Goose with Barnacle Goose flock + Barnacle x Greylag, Snow x Bar-headed and two Canada x Barnacle Goose hybrids. Great Egret fishing the Long Ground Pool.

Top New Piece

1200 Lapwing flitting between here and the Bottom New Piece. 124 Canada and 60 Greylag Geese, 340 Teal, 200 Wigeon.

Bottom New Piece

60 Dunlin, 210 Canada Geese with a Barnacle x Greylag hybrid.

South Finger

A few Treecreepers along the pathway trees.

Duck Hut/Marsh Garden/Decoy Boardwalk area

Lesser Redpoll feeding in the Alders nearby (two Chiffchaff seen here yesterday).

Spinney Wood and scrubby pool to the East of path

Chiffchaff calling.

South Lake

A few hundred Lapwing, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, Cormorants, Pochards, Tufted Ducks, 110 Teal and 40+ Shoveler.

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