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New years day

New Years Day many birders start off their annual bird list and there is no better place to visit, in my opinion, than Martin Mere. It was a very wet start to the morning but that didnt stop the blackbirds alarm calling near the Ron Barker hide, alerting me to the location of a Tawny Owl hiding in the ivy. From the United Utilities hide you have a great vantage point to see all of the raptors waking up and coming out of roost. So far today I've seen 4 Buzzards and 11 Marsh Harriers, 2 Kestrels huntng over the wet grassland and a huge female peregrine flushing all the small ducks and waders off the mere. From here look amongst the cattle and you can see 2 Cattle egrets, 1 Great egret and 4 Grey herons. Pop along the public footpath outside the reedbed walk to the sewage works and there are some pied wagtails, chiffchaffs (no sign of the Siberian while I was there but hopefully others have more luck). Water rails calling on the reedbed walk and Cetti's warblers belting out their fantastic song.

Sightings for today so far....

Whooper swan Mere
Canada goose Gordon Taylor
Greylag goose Mere
Pink footed goose Mere
Barnacle goose One wild in with the collection
Mallard Mere
Shelduck Mere
Tufted duck Mere
Pochard Mere
Goldeneye Mere
Shoveler Mere
Wigeon Mere
Teal Mere
Pintail Mere
Gadwall Harrier Hide
Pheasant Janet Kear
Feral pigeon Mere
Stock dove Mere
Woodpigeon Nature trail
Collared dove Raines hide
Water rail Reedbed
Moorhen Grounds
Coot Mere
Little grebe United utilities
Lapwing Mere
Ruff Ron Barker
Snipe Ron Barker
Greater black-backed gull Mere
Lesser black-backed gull Mere
Black headed gull Mere
Herring gull Sewage works
Cormorant Mere
Little egret Grounds
Great Egret Back of reserve
Cattle egret Back of reserve
Grey Heron Back of reserve
Sparrowhawk Janet kear
Marsh harrier Back of reserve
Buzzard Back of reserve
Peregrine Mere
Kestrel Back of reserve
Barn owl Back of reserve
Tawny owl Ron Barker
Kingfisher Harrier Hide
Great spotted woodpecker Janet Kear
Jay Janet Kear
Magpie Nature trail
Jackdaw Nature trail
Crow Back of reserve
Blue tit Janet Kear
Great tit Janet Kear
Cetti's warbler Reedbed
Long-tailed tit Janet Kear
Chiffchaff Sewage works
Wren Janet Kear
Starling Mere
Mistle thrush Carpark
Redwing Raines hide
Blackbird Janet Kear
Robin Janet Kear
Stonechat Gordon Taylor
House sparrow Carpark
Dunnock Janet Kear
Grey wagtail Nature trail
Pied wagtail Nature trail
Meadow pipit Back of reserve
Chaffinch Janet Kear
Bullfinch Harrier Hide
Greenfinch Janet Kear
Goldfinch Janet Kear
Reed bunting Raines hide

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