October WeBS count

A wet and windy Wetland Bird Survey produced a variety of birds

* Please see the link for centre/reserve closure info this week* - https://www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/slimbridge

A wet and windy Wetland Bird Survey produced a variety of birds, totals for wetland birds follow, other species noted included 1 Redwing, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Jay, 3 Mistle Thrush, 1 Whinchat, 1 Wheatear, 1 Stonechat and a Kestrel. At least 7 Chiffchaff were calling around the site. At least 10 House Martin and 5 Swallow fed over the centre/reserve today with another party of 8 Swallow seen at the N end.

A Short-eared owl was spotted from the Kingfisher Kitchen cafe!

7 Little Grebe
17 Cormorant
2 Little Egret
Great White Egret- flew N from Purton at high tide and was seen on the estuary at low tide.
12 Grey Heron
1 Bittern
87 Mute Swan
354 Greylag
62 Canada Geese
180 Barnacle Geese
Snow x Bar-heaed Goose
80 Shelduck over high tide with 162 feeding on mud at low tide
105 Wigeon
72 Gadwall
1041 Teal
790 Mallard
10 Pintail
99 Shoveler
7 Pochard
237 Tufted Duck
1 Water Rail
159 Moorhen
152 Coot
1 Avocet- a limping bird that seems reluctant to leave
27 Golden Plover
17 Grey Plover
79 Lapwing
13 Curlew
145 Black-tailed Godwit
180 Knot (99 seen on TNP this moring but more arrived and all roosted on SL later in the day)
21 Ruff
1 Curlew Sandpiper-TNP
160 Dunlin
2 Green Sandpiper
1 Spotted Redshank- TNP and SL
23 Redshank
2 Greenshank- South Lake
7 Snipe
2 Kingfisher
31 Great Black-backed Gull on the Dumbles over high tide
1 adult Mediterranean Gull on SL

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