One Swallow doesn't make a summer

Whilst the proverb says a single Swallow doesn't make a summer, we're seeing a few today feeding with the Sand Martins across the reserve, but its really just spring arriving

Whilst the proverb says a single Swallow doesn't make a summer, we're seeing a few today feeding with the Sand Martin across the reserve, but its really just spring arriving.

Other spring arrivals in the last couple of days include Blackcap and Willow Warbler, with several of both species now heard singing across the reserve, joining the Chiffchaff who arrived a couple of weeks ago.

Decoy Hide and boardwalk
At least two singing Blackcap heard along the boardwalk this morning, with a singing Willow Warbler near to the Martin Smith Hide.

South Lake
A total of 97 Avocet were on the scrape this morning, along with four Black-tailed Godwit. The rest of the godwit flock flew towards the Zeiss Hide mid-morning and settled on the Bottom New Piece. Duck included 46 Shoveler, a drake Pochard, 21 Tufted Duck, 26 Teal and six Gadwall. A Little Grebe was also seen, a pair of Oystercatcher were on the causeway, and a single Swallow was feeding amongst the Sand Martin over the deep lake.

Rushy Hide
Just four Pintail remain this morning. On the lower pond were 20 Avocet and four Black-tailed Godwit, with nine Tufted Duck and a pair Gadwall of note on the upper pond.

Estuary Tower
A small flock of 13 Barnacle Geese were on the riverbank this morning. A flock of 96 Wigeon were around the scrape with six Shoveler and a few Teal. A Great Egret was roosting on the Long Ground Pool, and part of the White-fronted Goose flock could be seen in the northern fields.

Robbie Garnett Hide
The drake Garganey was asleep on the shoreline with 60 Teal, 93 Wigeon, 42 Shoveler and 23 Shelduck. A flock of 11 Mute Swan were also noted, and a flock of 38 Curlew were flushed here from the riverbank by a passing Buzzard. Also of note were four Pochard, a Snipe, a pair of Oystercatcher and a Redshank. Several Swallows were feeding amongst the Sand Martin over the Tack Piece.

Kingfisher Hide
The Kingfisher pair continue to be active this morning on the pond, with the male seen to feed the female.

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