Orphaned goose finds a new family


Frank by Gordon Youdale

A gosling which is considerably larger than his siblings is gaining a following at WWT Slimbridge.


Frank, as he has been nicknamed by staff, towers above the other three goslings as they follow their parents around in the grounds of the visitor centre in Gloucestershire.


As the greylag goose is so clearly older than the rest of the brood bird experts at the centre believe he has been adopted after losing his real parents.


Martin McGill, reserve warden, said: “We suspect at some time Frank became separated from his real parents but with his new family he has clearly landed on his rather large feet.


“He is really popular with the visitors as he stands out so

much when he runs towards them begging for grain.Frank with his siblings by Gordon Youdale


“Geese make excellent parents and we’ve seen them foster young before and also form crèches so that several pairs of eyes can watch the youngsters.”


Frank is one of hundreds of baby birds which visitors will see over the Centre’s Downy duckling week this half term (June 2 to 10).

Each year WWT Slimbridge allows visitors behind the scenes on special tours of its impressive rearing facilities.


It also has a duckling crèche and incubator in the visitor centre allowing families to see the progress a hatching egg makes over the course of their visit.


The 45 minute tours of the rearing facilities are booked by visitors on their arrival and are included in the normal admission price.

For more information call 01453 891223 or go online to www.wwt.org.uk/slimbridge






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