Osprey sighting Tuesday, stonechat on Wednesday & 22 gadwall on Thursday

Numbers of gorgeous gadwall increasing
Numbers of gorgeous gadwall increasing















Tues 20 Sept

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: shoveler, teal, gadwall, mallard, black-headed gull

Lapwing & Scrape hide: snipe, teal, Canada geese, pheasant

Wetland Discovery: kingfisher, tufted duck, mallard, coot, moorhen

Reserve & Grounds: osprey, buzzard, teal, tufted duck, mandarin, mallard, Canada geese, mute swan, black-headed gull, peasant, blue/great tit, chaffinch, dunnock, tree creeper

Wed 21 Sept

Reedbed: Cetti's warbler, stonechat, blue tit

Scrape hide: shoveler, snipe, teal

Ramsar/Sand martin hide: shoveler, gadwall, teal, little grebe, sand martin, mallard, coot, moorhen

Lapwing hide: teal, kingfisher

Arun Riverlife: Canada geese, black-headed gull

Thurs 22 Sept

Ramsar & Sandmartin hide: shoveler, gadwall, teal, mute swan

Lapwing hide: teal, pheasant

Scrape hide: gadwall, kingfisher, mallard, coot, moorhen

Arun Riverlife: Canada geese, black-headed gull, pheasant

Reserve and Grounds: tufted duck, Cetti's warbler, kingfisher, blue tit, mallard, coot, moorhen, mute swan, buzzard, chaffinch, thrush, wren, robin, coal tit, grey heron




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