Our new arrivals.... otter cubs
Three otter cubs have been born at Martin Mere.
I am delighted that the otters have produced young. Parents and cubs are all very healthy and it will be a delight to watch them spend their time together as a family. I have no doubt that the young otters will prove to be a huge attraction over the coming months.
The three adorable cubs, all girls, are now 6 weeks old and doing really well. The trio will soon be starting to venture out of the nest to explore their new home.
Mum and dad, Thai and Ned, came to Martin Mere in 2009, and this is the second time that they have produced young. The cubs have on average put on approximately 10g a day since birth and are now a healthy weight and will soon become curious about their surroundings. Due to the otters being so small, staff have had to be creative to weigh them and found that using postage scales is the most accurate method.
[yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe7nYn1kehY']