Out in the sun

The mowing season is well and truly underway and the Reserve Team are hard at work opening up views from hides and selectively cutting small areas to improve habitat for our wildlife.  Yesterday the team were working in front of the Martin Smith Hide and around the edge of the Tack Piece to create duck loafing margins, open areas for migrant waders and rides through marginal vegetation for dragonflies and more secretive birds like Water Rail.  We carefully time our work to create the least disturbance on wildlife and visitors, but some is inevitable.  Thankfully there are birds everywhere so you'll always be able to see something on your visit regardless of where we're working.

Rushy Hide

A total of 11 adult Avocets were on the lower pond this morning along with 3 broods of chicks.  Also present were 3 broods of Shelduck ducklings whilst the Oystercatcher chick was with an adult in front of the InFocus shop.  There was no sign of any Mediterranean Gulls this morning, but at least 16 Black-headed Gull juveniles are now exploring the area.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Waders on the scrape included 4 Green Sandpipers, a pair of Oystercatcher, 3 Redshank, 4 Avocet and several Lapwing.  The Black-tailed Godwits are also enjoying the Tack Piece scrape with around 60 birds feeding late yesterday after the shoreline was cut to open up areas.  A brood of Shelduck were sleeping on the island in front of the hide and on the back shoreline were 6 Little Egret and 2 Grey Heron.

Zeiss Hide

Waders on the scrape this morning included a Greenshank, 36 Avocet, 10 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 38 Redshank, a pair of Oystercatcher and 12 Lapwing.  Duck included 69 Teal and 6 Shoveler amongst the Gadwall and Mallard.  Also present were 4 Reed Bunting and a Little Egret.

South Lake Hides

Waders on the scrape included 52 Avocet, 130 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Oystercatcher, Redshank, 2 Ruff and 6 Lapwing.

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