Oystercatcher and gull chicks

Look out on the islands from the sand martin hide and on Arun Riverlife – black-headed gull chicks began hatching out this week. A pair of oystercatchers opposite the Ramsar hide have been spotted with at least two chicks. A second pair of mute swans were seen on the water here with 6 cygnets.

There are still some moorhen chicks about with a couple spotted at the Scrape hide.

Wed 29 May

Arun Riverlife: 1 kingfisher hole #5, 2 gadwall, 3 tufted, 2 black-headed gulls

Long path: 1 lesser whitethroat

Pelican cove: 1 tufted duck, 3 pochard 1 male and 2 ducklings, 1 oystercatcher

Lakes and Forests: 1 gadwall

Woodland Loop: 1 great spotted wood[ecker, 1 mandarin duck

Willow Sphere: 2 tufted ducks

Scrape hide: 1 blue tit, 1 woodpigeon, 2 reed buntings, 2 reed warblers, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 2 tufted ducks, c2- sand martins, 1 shoveler, Canada goose, 1 chaffinch, 10 mallards, 1 goldfinch, 1 gadwall, 2 coots, 2 black-headed gulls, 6 pochard,6 moorhens (2 were chicks), 1 male dunnock, 1 male blackcap.

Sand martin hide: one pair of mute swans with 6 cygnets,

1 shelduck, 5 tufted ducks, 3 gadwall, 3 pochard, c30 sand martins

Bewick’s swans exhibit: 2 gadwalls

Ramsar hide: 2 cormorants,2 lapwing, 4 gadwall, 3 tufted ducks, 1 pair of oystercatchers with 2 chicks.

Pelican Cove: 2 pochard

Lapwing hide: 1 tufted duck

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