Barn owl, kestrels & kingfishers

Roger Gilroy photographed this black-headed gull in winter plummage diving for a fish. He are some recent sightings by our wardens.

A barn owl is making regular runs at around 1pm each day, emerging from and returning to the small owl box in the trees on the islands of Wetland Discovery section. A kestrel was perched on the large owl box on Sunday - a pair of kestrels have been hanging about the site, one was spotted perching in the car park on Saturday and in the willow to the left on Arun Riverlife in the afternoon.

A kingfisher was causing a commotion at the Ramsar hide on Sunday afternoon. There was 40 people in the hide and on the bridge entrance to the hide with our guide Jeremy, watching the flashy 'fisher who spent most of the afternoon near the hide.

Recent sightings by WWT wardens

19 Jan

Wetlands Discovery: little egret, kestrel, green woodpecker, 3 teal, 3 pochard, 2 tufted ducks, 1 barn owl

Reedbed hide: grey heron, pied wagtails 50 roost)

Scrape hide: 2 marsh harriers, 6 field fare

Long path: 2 firecrests

Ramsar hide: kingfisher

18 Jan

Ramsar hide: 33 snipe, 4 lapwing

Lapwing hide: 5 lapwing

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 30 snipe

Woodland Loop: marsh tit

Wetland Discovery: barn owl

17 Jan

Woodland Lodge hide: 6 great tits, 1 chaffinch, 3 blue tits

Woodland feeders: 7 chaffinch, 6 great tits, 2 blue tits, 6 great tits

16 Jan

Wetlands Discovery: barn owl,

Long path: goldcrests, firecrest. bullfinch

Ramsar hide: 3 apwing. 8 snipe, 10 pochard. Arun Riverlife: litte egret, 3 pochards

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