Pale-bellied Brent Goose

A Pale-bellied Brent Goose was among the Pink-footed Geese on Owl Marsh this morning before presumably flying off, hopefully will get seen again over the weekend. Yesterday a report of a juv White-fronted Goose in the afternoon couldn't be found later, but a pink billed Pink-footed Goose was in the same flock.

Thousands of Pink-footed Geese this morning (Tony Disley)

A probable Willow Tit was seen briefly near Janet Kear hide this morning, also Treecreeper there and Goldcrest as well as Long-tailed Tit flock.

An Avocet was seen from Ron Barker later relocating to Woodend marsh.

The 1st winter male Scaup is still on the Mere

1st winter male Scaup (Tony Disley)

juvenile Marsh Harrier from UU Hide yesterday (Tony Disley)

A bit of visible migartion yesterday including a few flocks of Woodpigeon on the move with small numbers of Chaffinches and a Siskin.

A Curlew flew west calling on Thursday and in the long hedge near the Sewage works on the edge of the site there were Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Blackcap.

At least 2-3 Cetti's Warblers still singing in the Reedbed walk area and 2 Merlin were seen from Ron Barker Hide.

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