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Photographer Chris Prince features in the gallery this May and June

Our gallery is home to the work of Chris Prince, enjoy his work this spring whilst you are in the visitor centre and find the perfect picture to take home...

Chris's work is on display throughout May and June.

Chris Prince Gallery May-June 21-scr.jpg

Chris Prince is a wildlife photographer born and bred from West Sussex. For the last 15 years Chris has been behind the lens of his camera taking photos of wildlife. Initially, Chris’s passion for wildlife photography was just around Britain, but then spreading his wings to all parts of the globe. Chris began many years ago birdwatching with his family, which has gradually progressed into studying wildlife of all genres.

Chris has a particular passion for African wildlife, and each time he explores another African country he is left wanting more. His photography has helped an enormous amount in learning about all the wonderful flora and fauna from the largest African elephant to the smallest insect.

Chris is very keen on conservation and ecology. He volunteers at RSPB reserve Pulborough Brooks doing various jobs from fixing fences, surveying birds to assisting with guided walks. His camera is never far from his hand, he has taken many beautiful images that have been used at the reserve. He has also exhibited his images at various nature reserves and galleries around the country.

All Chris’s photos are available to buy for a very affordable price. Please feel free to contact Chris with any questions you may have about his wildlife photos, through his website -

Chris loves taking photos of wildlife and hopes you enjoy lhis gallery at WWT Welney Wetland Centre.

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