
Pink-footed Geese on the Mere late afternoon.

Plenty of Pink-footed Goose action to be had at Martin Mere at the moment, even though the numbers coming into the UK have been relatively small for this time of year. A count on the reserve this morning was 7500 although sometime during the night greater numbers left the Mere for some unknown reason. This afternoon at least 8000 birds had come in by 5pm.

Currently good views can be had from midday onward, with larger numbers tending to come in later in the afternoon. A single leucistic Pink-footed Goose came in in the afternoon.

A few Whooper Swan are continuing to arrive. These early birds also tend to move through. Some years the first birds don't turn up until mid October.

The water on the Mere are being raised to the winter levels. This tends to produce a lot of wildfowl activity / feeding frenzy on the Mere with Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Wigeon, Pintail, Mallard and Shelduck all present. The first returning adult Shelduck have been arriving this week. As the water levels get higher we can expect Pochard and Tufted there too although the water in front of the Harrier Hide is deeper and therefore better for those species.

Waders present include 400+ Lapwing, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Ruff including some juveniles, 20+ Snipe and Redshank.

A Peregrine was feeding on the freshly dead Pink-footed Goose, seen from the United Utilities Hide, also Buzzard in attendance. At least 3 Marsh Harrier, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk present.

Quite a few gulls visiting the reserve including 1000+ Black-headed Gull and a few Common, Herring, Lesser Black-backed and single of Med Gull (1cy) and Great Black-backed Gull.

Spot the Med Gull

Check the Long-tailed Tit flocks for Chiffchaff and possibly other warblers. At least 2 Kingfisher present.

Further movements of Skylark, Meadow Pipit and wagtails in the past few days.

For new visitors (people) the site has Tree Sparrow present and it is possible to see Corn Bunting in the area.

It should be possible to see over 60 species in a full days bird watching at Martin Mere. If you would like to know the best spots, up to date info or to report any sightings then please call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.

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