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Pink-footed geese

The number of Pink-footed geese is increasing by the day; there was a roost count on Tuesday of 9600 and more are still flooding in. The majority are feeding in local fields during the day but good numbers are staying on site grazing in the fields and they can be seen flying in and out during the day (best viewed from United Utilities hide or Ron Barker Hide). Photograph by Chris Short. As well as the Pink-footed geese numbers increasing we are seeing some of our other waterfowl numbers rise.

There are good views of the kingfisher perching on the branch in front of Ron Barker hide and flying along the Sluice and through the captive collection. Barn owls have been seen hunting over the fields near Ron Barker hide

A bittern was spotted yesterday flying from the Reedbed at Harrier Hide and towards the Ron Barker Hide.

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