Pinktastic !!

A few fabulous arrivals of Pink-footed Geese again throughout today following on from a count of 21,000 last night that came in to roost.

A few sightings of Merlin today may well involve 2 birds, also at least 2 Peregrine (ad male and juv female) also 3 Marsh Harrier.

Two Woodcock were flushed by the path on the inner Reedbed walk but on the outer path by the ditch near the viewing screen.

At least 11 Ruff and 30+ Black-tailed Godwit were seen.

A group of 3 Siskin were feeding in Alders at Janet Kear Hide

An Otter was seen from the Harrier Hide

Join us for our annual North West Bird Watching Festival on the 16th and 17th of November 2019

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