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Planned path works - 29 November 2023

Path closure notice

We have contractors on site on Wednesday 29 November to fix the path between our otter enclosure and Wader Lake. To allow vehicle access, we'll be closing off the path from our domestic duck exhibit down to the otters for the duration of the works (estimated two days), as shown in the above image.

This work is essential for us being able to open the path between our otters and Wader Lake, which has been closed for several months now due to extensive flood damage. It's a vital piece of our infrastructure connecting our animal collection with our wild reserve.

How will this impact your visit?

This temporary path closure means that visitors won't be able to do a full loop of our inner circle where our collection animals are. Please plan this into your visit if coming over the days of planned works (29 Nov).

Otters - our otter exhibit will be out of reach for the duration of these planned works and there will be no otter talks during this time.

Hunters Creek - The birds in Hunter's Creek (bar-headed geese, comb ducks and coscoroba swans) won't be visible for the duration of the works.

Insect garden and Duckery - These will be out of reach for the duration of these works.

Moving vehicles - there will be some maintenance vehicles accessing the area behind the play area and via North Wood footpath. We would ask all visitors here during this time to please be careful when around this area and adhere to safety signage where necessary.

Once these works are complete we're hopeful we can open all paths fully. We thank you again for your continued patience and ongoing support during this time!

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