Plenty of kingfishers sightings

Kingfisher photographed on Sun 30 Oct by Anthony Plummer
Kingfisher photographed on Sun 30 Oct by Anthony Plummer



















Sun 30 Oct

Grounds and reserve: kingfishers, grey wagtail, song thrush, coal tit

Lapwing hide: gadwall, pheasants, mallards

Ramsar hide & Sand Martin hide: shoveller, shelducks,teal, grey heron, greylag geese, kestrel, snipe, Canada geese, black-headed gulls, mallards

Scrape hide: Little egret, teal, gadwall, snipe, black-headed gull, mallards

Reedbed: great tit

Woodlloop: blue/great tits

Arun Riverlife: pochard, tufted ducks, wigeon, black-headed gull, mallards, Canada geese.

Sat 29 Oct

Car park: woodcock, sparrowhawk hunting a jay

Offham hangar: raven

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: a barnacle goose hybrid, 2 dark breasted brent geese, 23 Canada geese, 6 greylag geese, a lesser black-backed gull, teal wigeon, grey heron, shelduck

Reedbed: water rail, reed warbler

Grounds & reserve: green woodpecker, great/blue tits, kingfisher, grey wagtail

Lapwing hide: teal, pheasant

Scrape hide: Little egret, snipe, mallards

Woodloop: great tit, coal tit

Fri 28 Oct

Wetland Discovery: kingfisher, tufted duck, green woodpecker, mallard, goldfinch

Lapwing hide: pheasant, Cetti's warbler, mallard

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: shelduck, shoveller, teal, gadwall, water rail, Cetti's warbler, Canada geese, mallard

Scrape Hide: kingfisher, little egret, teal, snipe, gadwall, water rail, goldfinch, Canada geese, mallard

Arun Riverlife: tufted duck, pochard, mute swan, greylag geese, Canada geese, mallard

Wood Loop: coal/blue tit, green woodpecker, grey wagtail, blackbirds

Grounds and Reserve: kingfisher, blue/great/long-tailed tits, goldfinch, dunnock, wren, raven, grey heron, grey wagtail, mute swan, Cetti's warbler, wigeon, pheasant, woodpigeon, song thrush




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