PR and radio interviews
We have been working a lot with BBC Radio Lancashire recently. Last Thursday we had the afternoon show with John Gillmore live from the Centre and I did 2 interviews as well as a vast array of staff being interviewed, and Brett from the drive time show also came out this morning to do an interview about the swans. So a very good week for PR - I don't know if you saw the double page spread in the Lancashire Evening Post last night about Countryfile, it was fantastic and I am just hoping that we have a spell of dry weather now to capitalise on this PR, especially with the event this weekend.
In addition I have been very busy doing staff appriaisals. My computer skills improve everyday but I am quite slow at typing so it does take me a while to get the appraisals done but hopefully this time next year I will be typing fluently. We are also in the process of renewing our entertainments licence at the moment with the addition of the new cafe and we are hoping to do a lot more in the way of entertainment to always have something new for our visitors to get involved with and watch. I actualy have a meeting in the morning with Liverpool Museum as we are looking at doing a Natural History weekend later in the year which will be an exciting new event for us - hopefully we will have the date confirmed tomorrow.