Protecting our wildlife from the c-c-cold

At WWT Washington Wetland Centre we take the welfare of our wildlife very seriously.

So as the cold snap begins, our wardens are busy making sure that we do all we can to help protect it from the elements.

A great-spotted woodpecker builds up its energy reserves (by Marcel Lundy)

Extra seed and fat is being put out for our visiting woodland birds, as it is essential that they keep their energy reserves built up during cold weather (there’s up to 20% off bird feeding products in our shop, if you wish to do the same!).

Right now we’re being inundated with flocks of colourful tits and finches, which are stocking up for the days ahead. Spot them on the many feeders at Hawthorn Wood or clinging to the tree trunks, devouring the lard that we’ve smeared there for them.

We’ll also be making sure that these beautiful birds have enough fresh water to drink and bathe in, which is something that people may forget about when looking after birds in their own garden. Be sure that you don’t!

A woven willow shelter (left)

We’ve built woven willow and recycled timber shelters for our rare and exotic wildfowl, with lots of lovely straw bedding to keep them warm, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on our ponds too, ensuring that they don’t completely freeze over.

And we haven’t forgotten the humans either! We’re open 364 days a year, so we’ll be here for the public whatever the weather; allowing visitors to explore our fantastic winter wildlife and scenery despite the snow. Plus Waterside Cafe will be serving up warming food and drink to those that do brave the wintry conditions.

We hope to see you soon :-)

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